What is FISNA- The Italian Federation of the Sciences of Nature and Environment
FISNA is a federation of 20 scientific italian societies operating in the field of Natural, Environmental and Biological Sciences promoting scientific knowledge, conservation and protection in the naturalistic field.
FISNA is a non-profit organization with the purpose to promote and coordinate the activities of the member societies at national and international level.
The executive body of FISNA is the Board made up of the FISNA President, the Vice-President and the Presidents of the federated societies (or their delegates).
The legal representative of FISNA is the President in office.
FISNA is the federation of the following 20 scientific societies (with websites):
AAI Associazione Antropologica Italiana
AIIAD Associazione Italiana Ittiologi Acque Dolci
AIOL Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia
AISASP Associazione Italiana per lo studio degli Artropodi Sociali
ATIt Associazione Teriologica Italiana
CISO Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici
ODONATA.IT Società Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione delle Libellule Onlus
SBI Società Botanica Italiana
SEI Società Entomologica Italiana
SHI Societas Herpetologica Italica
SIB Società Italiana Biogeografia
SIBM Società Italiana di Biologia Marina
SIE Società Italiana di Etologia
SIM Società Italiana di Malacologia
SIN Società Italiana di Nematologia
SIP Società Italiana Protistologia
SISN Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali
SISV Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione
SItE Società Italiana di Ecologia
UZI Unione Zoologica Italiana
- Promote the development of scientific research in the areas of natural sciences, biodiversity, ecology, evolutionary biology, including human-environment relations. FISNA will propose its representatives in the commissions operating at various levels (European, national, regional) to include the research carried out in these sectors among the priority funding lines.
- Promote and coordinate teaching and dissemination activities in the above mentioned sectors at all levels of education and civil society, making its representatives available for participation in commissions operating at various institutional levels.
- Assume the representativeness of the Federated Scientific Societies in relations with other scientific federations, the competent ministries, local administrations, public and private bodies and civil society in general.
- Promote and coordinate common and shared scientific initiatives, such as joint conferences, workshops, training courses and doctoral schools.