Parma Summer School “Food Safety Aspects of Integrated Food Systems” 29-30/9/2021
sul sito di EFSA è disponibile il programma preliminare della Parma Summer School “Food Safety Aspects of Integrated Food Systems” 29-30/9/2021 (evento virtuale, 29-30/9/2021)
L’evento si articolerà su tre casi studio:
* Case study 1: Biodiversity and Environmental Safety. This session will use bees as a core example, extending to other ecosystem services to demonstrate the dimensions of biodiversity and environmental safety.
* Case study 2: Chemical Mixtures. This case study will deal with the risk assessment of chemical mixtures, with a specific focus on the case of mycotoxins.
* Case study 3: Novel Food and Technologies. This session will address the technical, social and regulatory challenges in novel food technologies, including risk assessment, focusing also on societal and market acceptance.Le iscrizioni si apriranno il 14 giugno e si chiuderanno il 31 giugno